Congratulations to Mollie Hogg, Zak Cosslett & Brad Johnson ‘Team 100 per cent’ for winning the Allied Finance investment competition this year after a fierce competition against St Mary’s Catholic Sixth Form College.
Each month the students had the opportunity to switch their pension fund investment portfolio into what they would hope to be better performing funds. They had to study world global markets and try and spot trends to see where in the world an economy may be performing better than another economy. Each month the students were given a bigger choice of funds to research and also they had to try and predict what the future world markets may do.
An Allied adviser, former SJR Business student Oliver Marshall, would attend college every month to give the students an update on how their pension fund was performing against the other teams and how it was doing in general.
Though the students were getting some pension knowledge they were gaining value knowledge on how global stock markets work in general. How political or economical new s can affect markets and how volatile some investments can be. They learnt the value of risk, volatility and diversity within investment funds. The students extremely sensible questions never cease to amaze the Allied advisers.
Here is the winning team with the Managing Director of Allied Finance Nick Wylie and Business Studies teacher Sarah Ryder.