The purpose of the Governance section is to provide you with background information on the body responsible for College governance (the Corporation), explain the roles and responsibilities of the governors and provide access to publicly available documents.
Sixth-form College Corporations (Governing Bodies) have the legal status of statutory corporations and exempt charities. A College is a charitable activity undertaken by its Corporation.
The composition of the Corporation is laid down by the College’s Instrument & Articles of Government. This is a legal document under the terms of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 and establishes the Governing Body as a legal entity and defines what the Governing Body and the College may do.
The Governing Body (Corporation) has a total of 16 members, each of whom bring their own specific expertise, skills and experience to the role. All Governors give their time voluntarily and have always shown a high level of commitment to both the College itself and its mission. Details of our Governors are shown in section 4 of the ‘Governance’ section of the website Governance – St John Rigby College (
The composition of the Governing Body is laid down by the College’s Instrument and Articles of Government. This is a legal document under the terms of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 which incorporated the College. It establishes the Governing Body as a legal entity and defines what the Governing Body and the College may do.
The Instrument of Government and the Governors’ own Standing Orders define the constitution as being comprised of the following stakeholders:
Additionally, the College has one Associate Member who serves on a Committee. The assigned Committee is determined by the Member’s skills and expertise.
Governors and Associate Members are appointed or elected (as appropriate) from a diverse range of volunteers from Wigan and surrounding areas. It is not necessary for candidates to have expertise in the education sector, but the overall skills balance of the Governing Body is designed to support the effective governance of the College.
The 2023-24 academic year saw Pam Tate take over the role of Chair of the Governing Body in November 2023, following the resignation of the previous Interim Chair in September 2023.
The Governing Body continue in 2024/25 with the professional clerking services of Wigan Governor Services through an SLA secured in September 2023, with a dedicated clerk who facilitates all aspects of its work.
Governors and Associate Members are appointed or elected to:
The full Governing Body meets at least termly. It receives reports from the Principal or the Clerk and its own committees. Most of the detailed work is undertaken in committees which meet as required, normally once or twice per term. The Corporation conducts its business through a number of Committees. Each Committee has Terms of Reference which have been approved by the Corporation. These Committees are:
Further information is available on the College website or by contacting the Clerk to the Governors. The Clerk’s contact details are as follows:
Clerk to the Governing Body
c/o St John Rigby College
Gathurst Road
Tel: 01942 214797
Email: (please reference SJR in any email).
Nominating Authority | First Appointed | Term Start | Term End | |
Co-opted governors | ||||
Mrs Anne White | 01 Oct 2021 | 01 Oct 2023 | 30 Sep 2025 | |
Foundation governors | ||||
Pamela Catherall | Archdiocese | 01 Jul 2012 | 01 Oct 2023 | 30 Sep 2027 |
Philip Collier | Archdiocese | 01 Dec 2013 | 01 Oct 2023 | 30 Sep 2027 |
Peter Cudlip | Archdiocese | 01 Jan 2023 | 06 Feb 2023 | 05 Feb 2025 |
Mr Mark Dumican | Archdiocese | 01 Dec 2021 | 01 Dec 2021 | 30 Nov 2025 |
James Gresty | Archdiocese | 22 Feb 2024 | 22 Feb 2024 | 21 Feb 2028 |
Mark Higgins | Archdiocese | 01 Dec 2012 | 01 Dec 2021 | 30 Nov 2025 |
Dr Catherine Morgan | Archdiocese | 01 Dec 2004 | 01 Oct 2023 | 30 Sep 2027 |
Pamela Tate | Archdiocese | 01 Sep 2011 | 01 Dec 2021 | 30 Nov 2025 |
Parent governors | ||||
TBA | - | - | - | |
Principal | ||||
Peter McGhee | 10 Mar 2010 | 10 Mar 2010 | n/a | |
Staff governors | ||||
Chris Chandler | 01 Feb 2022 | 01 Feb 2022 | 31 Jan 2026 | |
Kate Watts | 01 Dec 2022 | 01 Dec 2022 | 30 Nov 2026 | |
Student Governors | ||||
Jensen Grady | 01 Jan 2024 | 01 Jan 2024 | 31 May 2025 | |
William Smith | 01 Nov 2024 | 01 Nov 2024 | 31 May 2026 |
Pamela is a Careers Adviser and is a qualified food technologist. She is the college learner voice link governor, having a great interest in the learner experience and has extensive experience supporting students with additional needs, and with progression routes available to young people.
She works at young people’s service in Lancashire. Pam enjoys music-especially Kirsty MacColl- caravanning, visiting new places, going to the theatre, reading and taking walks with the dog.
Chris started working at St John Rigby College in 2011 as an English Teacher. Before this, he trained emergency services in First Aid and Life Saving techniques for The North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust. He has had a varied career, during which he has completed two university degree courses: A BA in English and a BSc in Psychology. He is now the Head of Department for English. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, music and spending time with his family.
Phil is the former Head of Engineering at Wigan and Leigh College where has worked for more 28 years. He enjoys most sports and has been a season ticket holder at Wigan Warriors for many years. He also enjoys playing gold and walking, and has completed many charity running events.
Peter is a partner with a one of the UK’s largest accountancy firms. He has a keen interest in governance, risk and internal control matters. His career has brought him into contact with a large variety of large and small organisations.
Peter enjoys spending time with his family and attending a wide range of events with them. As “Dad’s Taxi” he travels most weekends and sees a wide range of life!
Mark is a product of the Catholic Education system in Wigan, having attended St Aidan’s Primary school in Winstanley, St Thomas More CHS in Newtown and St John Rigby College – leaving in 1988. After teaching in secondary schools around the North West, Mark returned ‘home’ in 2004 to St Edmund Arrowsmith CHS, spending the last 18 years there, at first as Deputy Headteacher and for the last 8 years as Headteacher. Mark supports all things Wigan, especially Wigan Warriors.
Jen is a Year 12 student studying BTEC L3 Business Studies. He is a former student of Hawkley Hall High School where he was deputy Head Boy.
He hopes to attend University and study Business Management. When not in college he is attends two drama classes, he has a part time job as a pot washer at a restaurant/bar and socialises with friends.
James is an ex-student of St John Rigby College and, following completion of his degree, he returned to the area and worked at SJR where he enjoyed many happy years teaching music. James worked at College until 2020 when he left to become Principal of another sixth form college.
Mark was a student at the College from 1987-89. He went on to read French and Russian at Bradford University and Hertford College, Oxford before pursuing a career in Law. He is now a partner at a law firm in Manchester, specialising in employment law.
Allan is a qualified account and has worked in the education section in senior finance roles for 23 years, the latest of which was 9 Years as Chief Financial Officer for a Multi Academy Trust which he helped to establish having previously worked at St John Rigby College for 10 years. Allan is a keen, but not very good, golfer and running as a means of keeping fit.
Catherine was a student at St John Rigby, obtaining 5 A-Levels at Grade A in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, Biology and General Studies, as well as Licentiate of the Trinity College London; before studying Medicine at the University of Sheffield. She is a GP Partner and her postgraduate qualifications include the Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners and Postgraduate Certificate in General Practice Education. She is Deputy Dean for Workforce for Lancashire and South Cumbria and Associate Primary Care Dean with NHS England Workforce, Training and Education Department.
Peter began his career as a Teacher of Mathematics in Oldham. He then moved to Loreto College in Manchester where he became Head of Mathematics and Senior Tutor. After 11 years he left to take up post as Head of a new Sixth Form Centre in Ardwick and before coming to SJR he was Deputy Principal at Cheadle and Marple Sixth Form College. He enjoys spending time with his family, watching and participating in various sports and attending music concerts
William is a a Y12 student studying A Levels Politics, Law and French alongside an EPQ. He was Head Boy at St Edmund Arrowsmith CHS, before attending St John Rigby and hopes to go on to attend university studying either Politics or Law.
He has a part-time job as a Lifeguard for Wigan Council and while outside college he takes part in the Wigan and Leigh Youth Cabinet.
Pam is an ex pupil of St John Rigby College, leaving in 1981. She then studied at Manchester Polytechnic after which she joined an accountancy practice in Manchester as a trainee accountant. Pam qualified in 1995 and has worked as an accountant in private accountancy practice, private industry and now in the NHS.
Outside work she enjoys watching tennis and films, going to concerts and to the theatre. She is also a volunteer with the Wigan & District fundraising branch of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.
Kate is a former SJR student who started working at the College in 2012 after graduating university with a BA Hons in Law and Criminology.
Kate was firstly appointed as a Learning Mentor and is now Learning Support Team Leader. Over the last 10 years Kate has worked with a number of students, supporting and guiding them throughout their time at St John Rigby College.
When she isn’t working Kate enjoys playing Netball, spending time with friends and family and walking her dogs.
Anne is Wigan born and bred, and with the exception of her first post spent her career in education in Wigan. She joined the teaching staff at St John Rigby Sixth Form College as a P.E. teacher in 1990 and moved into special education and student support in 2001. Anne served as Vice Principal (Students) for 12 years until her retirement from St John Rigby in 2018. She has been married to Allan for 40 years and they have 2 sons. Since retirement Anne and Allan have been able to travel more widely and enjoy the ‘great outdoors’.
COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP – as at October 2024
Quorum 3 members (to include the Principal)
Phillip Collier (Chair)
Chris Chandler
Mark Dumican
Jensen Grady
Peter McGhee
Pam Tate
Kate Watts
Anne White
Quorum 3 members (to include the Principal)
Quorum 3 members
Pam Tate (Chair)
Phillip Collier
Anne White
Peter McGhee – (Principal)
Pam Tate – (Chair) Foundation Governor
Pam Catherall – Foundation Governor
Phillip Collier (Vice Chair) – Foundation Governor
Peter Cudlip – Foundation Governor
Mark Dumican – Foundation Governor
James Gresty – Foundation Governor
Mark Higgins – Foundation Governor
Allan Keating – Associate Member
Catherine Morgan – Foundation Governor
Anne White – Co-opted Governor
Chris Chandler – Staff Governor
Kate Watts – Staff Governor
TBA – Parent Governor
William Smith – Student Governor (Incoming)
Jensen Grady – Student Governor (Outgoing)
Two vacant posts – Foundation Governor
The Board of Governors has determined that its membership is 16 governors (10 Foundation Governors/ 1 Parent Governor/ 2 Staff Governors/ 1 Student Governor/ 1 Co-Opted Governor/the Principal).
Quorum 3 members
Pam Tate (Chair)
Pam Catherall
James Gresty
Allan Keating – Associate Member
Quorum 3 members
Peter Cudlip (Chair)
Catherine Morgan
Mark Higgins
Quorum 3 members
Pam Tate (Chair)
Phillip Collier
Peter Cudlip
Anne White
In accordance with the Department for Education’s statutory guidance, the College commissioned an external governance review through the Association of Colleges. The Review was carried out of David Wright between May and July 2024. The full report and recommendations were received by the Principal and the Chair of Governors on 24th July and, following a review, the final report was agreed on 31st July. The report and recommendations have be reviewed and discussed at the by the Full Governing Board in October 2024 and a summary will be shared in the report below.
Click below for this report
Click the links below to view the Minutes from Full Governing Body meetings.
Minutes from committee meetings are available on request.
Click the links below to view the Report and Financial Statements for the year ending July 31st.
Please send letters and other documents or comments to The Clerk to the Governors:
By post: St John Rigby College, Gathurst Road, Wigan, WN5 0LJ
By email: Please reference St John Rigby College (SJR) in any emails to the Clerk.
St John Rigby College fully complies with the freedom of information requirements.
Requests for information about the work of the Governing Body, or for copies of documents, should be addressed to the Clerk to the Governors.
Please reference St John Rigby College (SJR) in any emails to the Clerk.
The College seeks diversity in terms of the background of its Governors. However, there is an expectation that all prospective Governors would share the following characteristics:
• A real interest in education and training
• Skills and experience that will benefit the College
• A commitment to act as an advocate for the College and to act in the best interests of the College at all times
• A commitment to working with integrity, openness and honesty
Governors, the Principal and senior managers at St John Rigby College recognise the important contribution which training and development makes to the College’s effectiveness in providing and delivering high quality education.
The principal objective of providing training and development opportunities for the governing body is to ensure the effectiveness of all governors as individuals and as members of a corporate governing body; to enable them to set the College’s Mission and strategic direction, to meet their responsibilities as laid out in Article 3 of the College’s Instrument and Articles of Government.
The College will provide training and regular development opportunities which underpin the role of being a governor at an outstanding Sixth Form College. Governors are then able to discharge their responsibilities effectively and with confidence. There is an induction programme for all newly appointed governors.
If you are interested in applying to become a Governor at St John Rigby College, please email
Please reference St John Rigby College (SJR) in any emails to the Clerk.
Sophie Gardiner, Clerk to Governors will then send you more detailed information about the College as well as a full application pack. All applications are handled by the Search Committee who will interview all short-listed applicants. Recommendations will then be made to the Governing Body who will approve the appointment, subject to having received satisfactory references and archdiocesan approval of the appointment.
Copyright © St John Rigby College 2024
If you’re not quite ready to start on a Level 3 Technical course (T Levels) or a Vocational Level 3 course (BTEC) but want to begin on the path to your chosen career, the Transition Programme could be for you.
Transition Programmes are tailored to prepare students to move onto Technical or Vocational Level 3 study. They will give you the opportunity to improve your English and Maths, your work readiness skills and introduce you to the technical skills and concepts that you will need for future study and employment.
As part of the Transition Programme you will study a BTEC Level 2 Award in your chosen subject area as well as the BTEC Level 2 Extended Award in Work Skills. You will also have the opportunity to resit GCSE English and/or Maths if you have not yet achieved a grade 4.
Entry criteria for Transition Programmes is four grade 3s including grade 3s in English Language and Maths GCSE.