
St John Rigby College is an ‘outstanding’ and inclusive learning community

St John Rigby College is an ‘outstanding’ and inclusive learning community

At the end of November, St John Rigby College was visited by the Catholic Schools Inspectorate.  The two day inspection resulted in an ‘outstanding’ judgement across each of the three elements under consideration. 

The full report is available via the College website click here and includes the following comments about the Catholic life and mission of the college.

“St John Rigby Sixth Form College is a joyful, happy and supportive community.  Students express great pride in their college.  They know their time in sixth form is relatively short and they speak about how much they will miss this college when the time comes for them to move on.  They express appreciation for the wide-ranging support they receive from staff and the outstanding ‘wrap around’ care from the pastoral team.”

“Students have a real sense of their uniqueness and self-worth which leads them to show great respect and care for others.  This is evident in exemplary behaviour in lessons and in movement around the college campus.”

“There is a real spirit of collaboration and teamwork which many staff describe as being a ‘family atmosphere’.”

“A strong culture of welcome and inclusion extends to students of all faiths and none.”

Principal, Peter McGhee CBE, commented; “This report is a celebration of the values and the qualities of our students and our staff and provides a sense of why this is such a special college with a strong sense of community.  It is a nice time of the year to receive such affirmation of our work because students and staff have worked hard throughout the Autumn term, the longest term of the academic year.  Much has been achieved and everybody is ready for a break and to have time with friends and family over Christmas and New Year but it is always good to be able to look back with pride at all that has been achieved. 

There were moments of heartfelt pride during the inspection process following feedback from meetings held with students and staff and hearing from the inspectors about the exemplary nature of our students.  It is a joy to now share this report so that the whole college community can have a sense of pride in the part which they play and so that others can read about the deserved reputation of the college.”

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Level 2 entry requirements

If you’re not quite ready to start on a Level 3 Technical course (T Levels) or a Vocational Level 3 course (BTEC) but want to begin on the path to your chosen career, the Transition Programme could be for you.  

Transition Programmes are tailored to prepare students to move onto Technical or Vocational Level 3 study. They will give you the opportunity to improve your English and Maths, your work readiness skills and introduce you to the technical skills and concepts that you will need for future study and employment. 

As part of the Transition Programme you will study a BTEC Level 2 Award in your chosen subject area as well as the BTEC Level 2 Extended Award in Work Skills. You will also have the opportunity to resit GCSE English and/or Maths if you have not yet achieved a grade 4. 

Entry criteria for Transition Programmes is four grade 3s including grade 3s in English Language and Maths GCSE.

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