Future Scientists

Course content
Lucy Wilde

Course introduction

Lucy Wilde
Future Scientists
Students complete a Gold Crest Award through carrying out innovative science projects. In addition there will guest speakers, visits to local universities, an opportunity to compete in the Big Bang scientific competition, Cambridge Chemistry Challenge and the Biology Olympiad will all feature as part of the elective.

Who should follow the programme?

To access this elective you will need to be studying at least one of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

What activities can you expect to experience?

  • Competition of an individual, practically based
  • research project, which will be submitted for a Gold Crest Award and enter into the National Science Competition at a Big Bang local event
  • Develop practical laboratory skills, design methods of operation, refine and evaluate your own data
  • Presentation in team science competitions
  • Specialist guidance and support in preparing for university and employment
  • Visits to local universities and participation in practical activities
  • Visiting speakers covering all of the major science disciplines
  • Supported activities to ensure successful application for Nuffield Research projects

What about trips and visits?

  • Visit and tour of facilities at the Institute of Biotechnology in Manchester
  • MOSI and University of Manchester Museum • Practical workshops at the University of Salford
  • Lectures at both University of Liverpool and the University of Manchester
  • Two day trip to the University of Newcastle with an overnight stay
  • Opportunities to participate in overseas trips to either CERN or Iceland
  • Additional trips will be arranged in response to student project work

You will develop the following employability skills:

  • Ability to communicate orally at a high level
  • Perseverance
  • Team work
  • How to critically evaluate
  • Independent working
  • Invention and creativity

What will this elective lead to after SJR?

All of the skills and knowledge gained from the programme will support students in their application to study science related degree courses at university. The Science department has an excellent record of student progression to Higher Education and last year our students entered university to study courses such as: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry, Marine Biology, Veterinary Science, Medical Chemistry, Nuclear Medicine, Optometry, Physical Sciences, Astrophysics, Neurobiology and Microbiology. Alternatively, students can apply for a higher level apprenticeship secure in the knowledge that they have the skills and abilities to succeed in the workplace.

Nurturing rising talent

Our Elective Programme is designed to help you develop your gifts and interests as part of an enhanced level 3 programme. We will help you realise your potential by nurturing your talent and preparing you for study at the most prestigious universities or for progression to competitive higher-level apprenticeships. Your options range from our Honours Programme, which might include following a fourth A level, to specialist Futures Programmes that will support your career goals.

Level 2 entry requirements

If you’re not quite ready to start on a Level 3 Technical course (T Levels) or a Vocational Level 3 course (BTEC) but want to begin on the path to your chosen career, the Transition Programme could be for you.  

Transition Programmes are tailored to prepare students to move onto Technical or Vocational Level 3 study. They will give you the opportunity to improve your English and Maths, your work readiness skills and introduce you to the technical skills and concepts that you will need for future study and employment. 

As part of the Transition Programme you will study a BTEC Level 2 Award in your chosen subject area as well as the BTEC Level 2 Extended Award in Work Skills. You will also have the opportunity to resit GCSE English and/or Maths if you have not yet achieved a grade 4. 

Entry criteria for Transition Programmes is four grade 3s including grade 3s in English Language and Maths GCSE.

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