
Pathways > Science

Pathway to success

Science plays an integral role in our understanding of the world around us. The development of medicines, the study of disease and much of the world’s infrastructure have their foundations in scientific discovery.

Science is a forward-thinking discipline and offers a wealth of career opportunities often working at the cutting edge of new discoveries as typified in the recent research and development of a vaccine to combat coronavirus.

Following the science pathway will enable you to learn how to think as a scientist whilst developing many of the transferable skills that are valued by universities and potential employers.

You may choose to study within the expansive range of science disciplines following college such as Biology, Zoology, Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Earth science, Environmental Science, Physics, and Space Science.

You may want to access many of the Vocational areas such as Physiotherapy, Nursing or Sport Therapy that requires a science background. However, if you enjoy your studying science but are not sure of your future career aim, this pathway provides flexibility; as science graduates find employment in Finance, IT, Government and Business, Journalism, and Teaching.

Route options

Traditional A Level Route
Compulsory Subjects

One or more of Chemistry, Physics or Biology

Optional Subjects

Choose from our extensive portfolio of Advanced Levels or Extended Certificates

Subjects such as Psychology, Mathematics, Computer Science, Geography fit well with science disciplines, but many students choose contrasting subjects such as a language, English, or History

Enrichment opportunities

Future Scientists Elective

Opportunity to follow the Gifted Student Programme

Completion of a CREST Award

Trip and visits 

Visiting Speakers

Progression Opportunities

BSc Chemistry – University of Manchester

BSc Biochemistry 

BSc Physics



Extended Diploma Route
Optional Subjects :

None – Your Extended Diploma is your full course

Enrichment opportunities

Work Experience placements

Guest speakers and visits to employment settings

Progression Opportunities




Combined Options
Compulsory Subjects

BTEC Extended Certificate in Applied Human Biology

This science subject supports your understanding of the human anatomy and physiology which underpin elements you study in courses such as 

BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate in Sport & Exercise Science

A Level Psychology

Optional Subjects :

Nursing Strand

BTEC Diploma in Health and Social Care

Laboratory Strand

Chemistry or Physics A level + another subject

Sports Science Strand

BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate in Sport & Exercise Science + 1 other subject

Enrichment opportunities

Work Experience placement 

Guest speakers and visits to employment settings

Progression Opportunities

BSc Sports Science – Sheffield Hallam University (112 pts)



Where will this pathway lead me?

Likely employment opportunities: Analytical Chemist, Theoretical Physicist, Marine Biologist, Zoologist, Laboratory Technician, Pharmacist, Environmental Scientist,Forensic Scientist
Elizabeth Salmon

Chemistry [A*], Physics [A*], Mathematics [A*] Further Mathematics [A*]

Where next :

University of Birmingham
BSc Physics and Mathematics


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The continued support from both subject teachers and personal tutor.


Level 2 entry requirements

If you’re not quite ready to start on a Level 3 Technical course (T Levels) or a Vocational Level 3 course (BTEC) but want to begin on the path to your chosen career, the Transition Programme could be for you.  

Transition Programmes are tailored to prepare students to move onto Technical or Vocational Level 3 study. They will give you the opportunity to improve your English and Maths, your work readiness skills and introduce you to the technical skills and concepts that you will need for future study and employment. 

As part of the Transition Programme you will study a BTEC Level 2 Award in your chosen subject area as well as the BTEC Level 2 Extended Award in Work Skills. You will also have the opportunity to resit GCSE English and/or Maths if you have not yet achieved a grade 4. 

Entry criteria for Transition Programmes is four grade 3s including grade 3s in English Language and Maths GCSE.

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