Exam information

Students > Exam information

Information for download

You will be sent an examination timetable that you should check carefully.

Your subject teachers will be able to  also tell you when your exam(s) will be.

Please email exams@sjr.ac.uk if you have any queries.

Exam boards reserve the right to alter exam dates and hold a contingency day should it be necessary to change the exams timetable.

It is a requirement that you familiarise yourself with the documents on this page in preparation for your Exams.


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I had a great experience at SJR. I met a lovely bunch of people and made so many friends. I wouldn’t have achieved the grades I did without the tutor advice and support. Thank you.


Level 2 entry requirements

If you’re not quite ready to start on a Level 3 Technical course (T Levels) or a Vocational Level 3 course (BTEC) but want to begin on the path to your chosen career, the Transition Programme could be for you.  

Transition Programmes are tailored to prepare students to move onto Technical or Vocational Level 3 study. They will give you the opportunity to improve your English and Maths, your work readiness skills and introduce you to the technical skills and concepts that you will need for future study and employment. 

As part of the Transition Programme you will study a BTEC Level 2 Award in your chosen subject area as well as the BTEC Level 2 Extended Award in Work Skills. You will also have the opportunity to resit GCSE English and/or Maths if you have not yet achieved a grade 4. 

Entry criteria for Transition Programmes is four grade 3s including grade 3s in English Language and Maths GCSE.

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