Financial Help for Students
College can be financially challenging for some young people. At St John Rigby College we want all of our students to enjoy their College experience without this worry. If you or your family would like to discuss any financial concern, please contact us by email or telephone 01942 214797.
Below is a summary of the 16-19 Bursary fund for 2023-2024. For more information regarding our bursary policy, application guidelines and to download an application form please see the links at the bottom of the page.
The 16-19 Bursary Fund has two elements:
An annual bursary for young people in the following defined vulnerable groups:
- in care or an unaccompanied asylum seeker
- care leavers
- receiving Income Support, Universal Credit (UC) because they are financially supporting themselves, or
- receiving Employment and Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance (PIP) in their own right
A discretionary award is made to young people in a way that best fits the needs and circumstances of our students.
St John Rigby College’s criteria are as follows:
- Household Income below £27,500 for one dependant
- Household Income below £35,200 for two dependants
- Household Income below £40,700 for three dependants
- Household Income below £46,200 for four dependants
- Household Income below £51,700 for 5 or more dependants
The discretionary award will be targeted towards those young people who face the greatest financial barriers to participation; such as the costs of transport, meals, books and equipment. Conditions for receiving the Bursary awards will be subject to student attendance and student engagement with their studies.
To view the Bursary Policy, Bursary Application Form or Application Form Guidelines please follow the click links below: